About Tephra
Tephra challenges traditional prison systems with technology that allows a greater focus on rehabilitation. It is designed to empower both staff and prisoners allowing more time for valuable human engagement.

About Tephra
Safeguarding staff and prisoners
Tephra impacts on the lives of those in and leaving custody and challenges traditional prison systems with technology that allows a greater focus on rehabilitation. It helps to encourage the positive mindset of “getting my life back on track”.
We believe that disrupting the likelihood of reoffending and positively impacting on the offending rates is a key element within Tephra and we are driven to finding new ways to reduce recidivism, empower prisoners, foster positive relationships between staff and prisoners and make the custodial experience safer and more positive.
of prisoners will be released from prison at some point. However…
of prisoners reoffend within 9 years of release.
of prisoners reoffend within 12 months of release.
of the sons of UK prisoners will go to prison at some point.
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
William James
Tephra technology allows a greater focus upon rehabilitation.
- Our solutions reduce prisoner dependency on being constantly escorted. This enables more meaningful engagement between officers and prisoners.
- Our technology creates a less intrusive observation enabling greater dignity and respect.
- Tephra detects and reduces incidents of self-harm and suicide. This is life changing for all those involved in making prisons secure and safe. We are committed to effectively support achieving zero self-harm in custody.
Beyond Security
Improving lives with digital technologies
Prison Services around the world are faced with many challenges in creating safe and effective systems; and the need to find a good balance between security, rehabilitation and efficiency. Through our digital technologies we help support Prisons Services to build a modern prison environment that is secure and provides accountability for officers and an increased level of decency for prisoners.
Tephra solutions are designed to support a wide range of high security environments from prisons and police to probation and secure hospitals to improve security, efficiency and control, while allowing more meaningful interaction between staff and those in their care.
Out of challenging environments comes ideas, innovation and new product development. We create and provide new technologies that move security performance and capability forward and have applied Tephra across a range sectors including government and education. Our approach is individual and focussed, tailoring solutions to each sector and environment.
- For prisons
- For officers
- For prisoners

Implementing smarter digital technologies enables prisons to control cost efficiencies and streamline routines. But more importantly introducing these innovations empowers Services to better meet the needs of the people who use them and to foster a culture of rehabilitation – all whilst maintaining the highest security standards.
Integrated technology and dynamic security processes means a significant reduction in repetitive manual activities giving officers time to focus on meaningful engagement and proactive interaction with individual prisoners.